Our latest project

& IoT

- Suzanne, data scientist

‘We create digital, data-shaped twins of a device, allowing us to predict performance, processes and errors'’

Pharmafilter is a supplier of medical institutions, creating special mechanical solutions for filtering water and medical waste products. But in order to make such a device work in it’s fullest capacity, you need insights. Indeed: you’ll need data.

The datasets of a device gives us a really clear insight into it’s process and capacity. We’re able to monitor amounts of water it produces, quantities of waste, how often the machine gets cleaned up and what parts are showing defects. It also provides us ability to predict: data can tell us when components of the machine will deteriorate and need preventive maintenance. So basically, instead of reacting and repairing, we’re able to anticipate, which is so much more efficient.

‘Working with sensor data is often the catalyzer towards new insights and even business transformations’

- Mark van Lees, founder In2Intel

(Internet of Things) or sensor data are powerful tools to gain competitive advantage. By introducing a Total Cost of Ownership Program, we’re able to determine how a machine or device behaves within a specific environment. It gives us the overview on costs per component, which give clear insights into chain dependencies and also optimalization the management itself. Results: less downtime, stronger accountability and reduced costs. This approach often leads to implementation of new business models, products or combinations.

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